Mirrors, not windows

'Community Data', and the joys of reading books that expand visualization orthodoxy

A data mural by Emily and Rahul Bhargava in collaboration with the non-profit Groundwork Somerville (Massachusetts). This mural doesn’t appear in the Community Data book, but you can read more about it in this gallery and in this paper (PDF)

In the past few months I’ve read the drafts of several upcoming visualization books—not only those that will be part of the AK Visualization series, which I co-edit with Tamara Munzner, but also others by authors whose ideas I find stimulating. In May I wrote about Lauren Klein’s Data by Design, and last month I read Rahul Bhargava’s Community Data: Creative Approaches to Empowering People with Information, to be published in November by Oxford University Press.

(Rahul is a professor at Northeastern University, where he leads the Data Culture Group, and he’ll be one of the three speakers at my VizUM 2024—Visualization at the University of Miami—conference on Monday, November 11th. The other two are Lauren herself and Santiago Ortiz. I’ll post more information about this event as soon as we have a website; in the meantime, here’s a link to the previous edition. Attendance is free.)

Anyway, back to Community Data, which you can pre-order already. It’s the kind of visualization book that I enjoy the most, one that challenges my own mindset and praxis. I view visualization in the way I described in this post, while discussing Elsie J. Lee-Robbins’s PhD dissertation on cognitive and affective learning objectives; to me, visualizing is akin to teaching. Rahul’s approach to data displays—not only visualizations, but sonifications or physicalizations—is less hierarchical and unidirectional, and more inclusive and participatory.

Community Data suggests that designers can act sometimes as mere communicators, but that we can also envision ourselves as facilitators or community organizers; we can design for readers, but also with readers.

Moreover, our job shouldn’t be to create windows through which external observers can scrutinize individuals and communities—often without their consent—but mirrors that people can use to better understand themselves and others.

Here’s a key quote about those windows and mirrors:

Data used as a window builds on a position of power in the observer. Data used as a mirror is the opposite, intentionally creating ways to let a community see itself in another way via data. Popular data rests on the goal to build data mirrors, not windows. Our recent round of datafication is heavily tied to using data as windows, and it underlies many data literacy programs that have been developed in response to datafication. Using more creative materials than charts and graphs for data representation offers an opportunity to create more data mirrors, like appropriate and impactful data sculptures that reflect data back to a community.

The benefits of datafication aren’t equally distributed, as several cases discussed in the book illustrate:

The process of datafication has created opportunities and economic benefit, but also personal, interpersonal, and structural harms. While the benefits are mostly accrued by dominant groups, the harms have been disproportionately burdened on marginalized groups […] In 2001 the southern state of Karnataka [India] created the computerized Bhoomi system to systematize and digitize their land ownership data.11 The goals were to streamline government operations and simplify resolution of land claims. Unfortunately, by creating a central data store of land ownership the state made it easier for predatory planners familiar with digital government protocols to seize large swathes of land and sell them off to developers […] The land dataset was weaponized against the people whose possessions it purported to record. The story of Bhoomi is a cautionary tale about digitized public data and its potential uses as a weapon of power […] The datafication vastly increases the capacity and reach of those who speak the language of data within the state, significantly exacerbating disparities of access and service.

Community Data showcases a large variety of projects, many of them intended to encourage social engagement and data literacy, from data murals to data performances, and even data mini-golf courses. Rahul’s 2024 talk ‘Creative Data Representation for Social Justice Movements’ will give you an idea of what to expect from his book:

What I’ve been reading

Besides the drafts mentioned above, here are a few books that I enjoyed in July:

Robert O. Paxton’s The Anatomy of Fascism. When I was in college I took several elective classes on contemporary history and political philosophy that fueled my fascination for extremist ideologies —and I haven’t stopped reading about them to this day. Paxton’s is a great explanation of what fascism is; not so much an ideology with solid theoretical foundations, like communism or liberalism, but a practice and a movement whose characteristics emerge from the sociocultural peculiarities of the countries where it arises and metastasizes.

Riki Wilchins’s Bad Ink, a thorough critical analysis of why and how The New York Times has fed a reactionary moral panic against gender-diverse youth. I’d pair it with Lewis Raven Wallace’s The View From Somewhere. Both books provide much needed historical context, as this isn’t the first time that the Times has grossly botched its coverage of marginalized minorities, and it won’t be the last. If you’re interested in data, scientific, or journalistic ethics, I recommend both books.

Annette C. Baier’s The Pursuits of Philosophy, a concise biography of David Hume, the greatest empiricist and most agreeable skeptic. While reading it I had the feeling that it’ll end up influencing my own future book, once I manage to finally sit down and start writing it.

Albert Sánchez Piñol’s Oración a Proserpina (A Prayer to Proserpine). Only available in Spanish. You may know Piñol for his bestseller Cold Skin, which became a movie in 2018. His latest novel is a weird and rather entertaining mixture of alternate history, adventure, satire, and horror.

Betina Anton’s Baviera Tropical (Tropical Baviera). Only available in Portuguese. After World War II, the notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele fled to Latin America; he lived in Argentina, Paraguay, and ended up in Brazil, where he died in 1979. Anton’s book, a deep journalistic investigation, reads like a spy thriller.

That’s all for today. I leave you with Deep Purple’s Lazy Sod, one of the singles from their latest album. With the help of their new guitarist, Simon McBride, the band has (re)turned to a straightforward blues-rock style. It’s fun: